Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Does My Health Affect my Pet?
Thursday, November 12, 2020
What Do Your Pets Want You to Know?
Online Animal Communication Demonstration
via Zoom October 25, 2020
Frances W Greenspan is an animal communicator and speaks telepathically to the animals. Her favorite clients are rescued pets – finding out why they are doing what they are doing and those that have crossed over – helping to heal the human who is grieving their loss. Attendees had a chance to ask one question regarding their pet - whether here or those who have crossed over.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Adopting a New Pet: Finding the Right Companion
Finding the Right Companion
Adopting a new pet after one has transitioned can be tricky, especially when there is a surviving companion grieving the loss. When is it OK? Grieving appears with signs such as loss of appetite, lack of desire to thrive and sleeping more than usual. Just like humans, the animals grieve the loss of a loved one.
In doing this work of animal communication, I have found the pets who stay behind, while in their grief, or even a year or two later, can be very possessive of their owners. Introducing a new pet, without asking them first, can create havoc. There can be jealousy of the new pet or anger at you for bringing in another. How can you replace their dear companion?
Norton is a 15-year-old domestic shorthair orange male cat that was not keen on the new dog joining the family.
Norton: Why did he get the dog? Wasn't I enough? Is he going to replace me? I try to be good. I've been giving him more attention since the dog's been here - why is he so loud? He doesn't let me sleep in peace. I just want to be left alone and he comes and sniffs around me.
Me: The dog needed a good home so dad brought him home - you can share dad can't you?
Norton: I suppose - as long as he doesn't eat my food - I eat all my food so he won't get it.
Me: You don't have to do that - there will always be enough for you - I'll make sure dad puts your dish where the dog can't get to it, OK?
Norton: OK that will help - thanks. Tell dad I love him OK? I don't get to say that to him so he understands.
Bubba, a cat that was depressed as he was missing the daughter (he called "mom") that was away on vacation and he was overhearing conversations of her going away to medical school:
Bubba: Why did mom leave me? I know they love me too - but I miss my mom. Bring mom back or take me to her.
Me: I asked if hearing her voice would help. Sometimes it can help to put the phone on speaker and having the pet hear the voice of the person they are missing.
Bubba: Yes, hearing her voice will help. I like my food. My other moms are nice, but they aren't mom. My house is nice, my bed is nice. I miss my mom. I want my mom.
Me: Playmate?
Bubba: Maybe - but I'm the boss. Maybe a girlfriend? I might like that - I never had a girlfriend before. One that looks like me? I'd like that - yeah that could be fun.
When my client is thinking of bringing in another pet, after the loss of a dear companion, I tune in to the surviving companion for guidance. Have they cleared the grieving process? Is there anger towards the owner for "taking their companion" away? Do they understand the death process? Are they seeing their companion's spirit around them?
Excerpts taken from my books: What Do Your Pets Want You to Know?, More Messages from the Animals, and Lessons from the Animals available on Amazon and Kindle.

Friday, September 11, 2020
They Will Always Be in Our Hearts
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Do You Talk to Animals?
Friday, July 10, 2020
Animal Communication ONLINE Course
Learn at your own pace from your computer or phone – wherever you are. Videos and exercises are provided for you to fine-tune your reception skills to help build your confidence in your abilities.
Video Information and exercises included in this online course:
• How animals communicate
• The perspective of life from the animals’ point of view
• The spiritual essence of animals
• Psychic abilities: seeing, hearing, knowing, sensing, feeling (physical and emotional)
• How to communicate: basics
• Understanding your innate abilities
• Addressing blocks to clear communication
• Knowing yourself prior to communication
• Techniques for clearing the mind and focusing the heart
CLICK HERE to take advantage of pre-launch savings!
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Conversation with Bobcat
Saturday, April 4, 2020
How do I Communicate with the Animals>
While working as a pet groomer, Frances Greenspan realized her psychic abilities when animals began to “speak” to her. Now she can even help people over the phone with their pet issues, frequently with quick results. Go to franceswgreenspan.com for more information. Watch Xpnsion Network on... Roku TV https://my.roku.com/add/XPNSION Amazon Fire TV https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07... Facebook https://www.facebook.com/xpnsionnetwork/ Twitter https://twitter.com/XpnsionN Vimeo https://vimeo.com/xpnsionnetwork
Friday, March 13, 2020
Video Message from Animal Communicator, Frances W. Greenspan

Learn at your own pace from your computer or phone – wherever you are. Videos and exercises are provided for you to fine-tune your reception skills to help build your confidence in your abilities.
Video Information and exercises included in this online course:
• How animals communicate
• The perspective of life from the animals’ point of view
• The spiritual essence of animals
• Psychic abilities: seeing, hearing, knowing, sensing, feeling (physical and emotional)
• How to communicate: basics
• Understanding your innate abilities
• Addressing blocks to clear communication
• Knowing yourself prior to communication
• Techniques for clearing the mind and focusing the heart
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How Do Guide Dogs REALLY Work?
Have you ever wondered how guide dogs know when to cross the road or how they know where to go? Most people believe that dogs know the difference between red and green traffic lights. In fact, some people even think guide dogs can tell time. Here's how guide dogs really work.
Check out this article: How Guide Dogs REALLY Work
I would love to hear your thoughts! Please comment or email me!
Friday, February 7, 2020
Yes, you can communicate with animals!
or $100 at the door
or call 949-412-9554
Connect with me on
Monday, January 13, 2020
Animal Care Resources - 2020
PO Box 31885
San Francisco, CA 94131
Dog Food Advisor
List of recently recalled dog foods.