Does My Health Affect my Pet?
Secondhand smoke isn't just bad for humans, but for the animals, as well. One client, a heavy smoker, wanted to know what was wrong with her dog's skin. I told her the smoke and nicotine was adversely affecting her dog. That wasn't enough for her to quit smoking, but she does have the windows wide open, weather permitting.
Chemicals we use in and around our houses are dangerous for us and our pets. One client wanted to know why her dog had a skin rash. He had skin rashes as long as she had him - four years. I asked her about her gardener and what he used on the grass to kill the bugs. She didn't know. I asked her how long she has used this gardener - four or five years. So as long as the dog rolled, walked and played on the grass, the chemicals were on him and when he licked himself, they went into his system.
Animals can pick up on their owner's feelings and emotions, often manifesting their owner's symptoms, in order to alleviate their discomfort, taking on the illnesses themselves. Knowing when the owner is ill and holding the energy for them until they are healed. One client, an 85-year-old woman, had a cat who went blind, prior to her own cataract surgery that was very successful.
Animals hold the energy for us - whether it is for our physical, emotional or spiritual well-being. They come into our lives for more reasons than we consciously know. Our pets are aware of what we are going through from a telepathic level. We may not say out loud that we are worried about paying the bills, but our pets know and take on some of the anxiety from us - and for us.
Consider looking at your own health when your pet is having a health issue. Allergies and skin reactions are no different for us as for the animals. Many people are finding themselves allergic to, or intolerant of, wheat and dairy products. Since our animals reflect us, consider what you feed them. Table scraps including those products should not be given to our pets. Many of my clients, especially after the recent pet food scare, have been much more careful of what foods, brands and types they are feeding their pets and paying attention to how they are reacting.
Some of my clients find the raw food diet, including carrots, apples and green beans, to be a great way to supplement their nutrition. If the pet has a hard time moving their bowels, consider adding a bit of flax seed oil or olive oil to the mix. There are many good prepared raw food products on the market. And, by the way, consider how you are feeding yourself. Remember, your animals are a reflection of you. Stick to real food, rather than processed foods, walk with your dogs to get your exercise and you'll both feel better. Have you noticed overweight people tend to have overweight pets? The animals do not need to graze or snack all day long. They do not need treats as a regular diet. Consider the treats for your pets as you would candy for your kids. Is one candy bar enough? How about just a taste? Consider the nutrition of what you are feeding yourself and your pets. They do not need, nor do they digest well, carbohydrates (i.e. breads, grains). How about our bodies?
Remember, our pet's health reflects our health - be careful what you feed them - they are relying on you for their daily needs
Excerpts taken from my books: What Do Your Pets Want You to Know? More Messages from the Animals, Lessons from the Animals and Voice for the Animals available on Amazon and Kindle
For the Love of Animals,