Friday, October 11, 2024

Ruby Watches Over Mom

My client’s dog Ruby crossed over in July. Her words were very comforting for her mom.

Frances:  Hi Ruby – I understand you crossed over in July. How are you doing?

Ruby:  Yes, I did. I’m much better now that I don’t need my body to get around.  I watch over Mom when she is sad and worried about me and if she did everything she was supposed to for me.  Please let Mom know I will always love her and tell her not to feel guilty about me and my passing. Everything happened the way it was supposed to.  I was ready to go and I knew it would be easier for her not to have me on her mind when she was supposed to be working. Unlike humans, we kind of know the process for crossing over and see our greeters ahead of time.  Fear is not a part of the process because we know what it will be like when we go.  The most concerning is leaving behind the human that has all those other feelings of guilt, fear and sadness.  I do come to help Mom when she is feeling those feelings and send her loving energy to replace them.

Frances:  Mom wants to know if you hated the puppy.

Ruby:  I didn’t hate the puppy, I knew it was my time to go and he was my replacement so to speak.  It’s normal not to want to be without a furry companion and I knew he would be there with her when I was gone.  

Frances:  Are there signs you are giving Mom so she knows you are there? 

Ruby:  Sometimes she feels me in bed with her but she thinks she's imagining it.  It’s me.  I want to give her the comfort of me being there with her.

Frances:  Thank you, Ruby.

Ruby:  Bye and thank you for doing this for Mom.

Frances:  You’re very welcome, Ruby.

For the Love of Animals,


Friday, September 13, 2024

Buddy Opens Up about His Past

Buddy is a 16-year-old male Westie (West Highland White Terrier) who was adopted in 2021. My clients wanted to know about his former owners and why he needed a new home.

Frances:  Hi Buddy – how are you? 

Buddy:  I’m ok, why?

Frances:  Your mom and dad asked if we could talk, is that ok?
Buddy: Sure, why not.

Frances: What was your life like before you came to live with Mom and Dad?
Buddy: Before I came here, I lived with an older couple.  They didn’t walk or play much with me, so we did a lot of sitting and watching the thing in the box.

Frances: Is the thing in the box with moving pictures?

Buddy: Yes

Frances: Ok, we call that a television, or TV for short.

Buddy:  Yeah that’s what it was.  They were very nice to me, but it was really loud sometimes.

Frances: I suspect they couldn’t hear very well so they had the volume up.  

Buddy: You’re probably right.  The man went away and didn’t come back and then I found the lady on the floor one morning.  It scared me, so now I follow my mom around to make sure she is ok.  

Frances:   I’m sorry that happened to you.  Unfortunately, as people get older, they sometimes get sick and pass away.  So, you don’t have to worry about your mom – she’s much younger and doing well.  Plus, your dad is there to take care of you too.

Buddy:  You sure?  

Frances: Well, I’m as sure as I can be, but I’ll check in with Mom and Dad when we talk in a little bit.
Buddy: Ok, thanks.

Frances: Do you want to spend more time with other dogs, or is it the caregivers at the doggy daycare that you like?  

Buddy: I guess I like people better.  I was never around other dogs much, except the place with the cages, before coming home with Mom and Dad.  

Frances:  Is there any place that you were taken by your previous mom and dad that you would like to go to?  

Buddy: They didn’t take me anywhere except the doctor and the groomer.  Towards the end, the groomer was less and less.  I guess I just know about watching TV.  I would like to be outdoors more and see beyond my own surroundings.

Frances: Is there anything you would like to tell your mom and dad?

Buddy: Please tell them that I love them very much and thank you for bringing me into your home.  I know I’m not your typical dog, but I’m happy just as I am.

Frances: I am glad you are happy Buddy.  I’ll be talking with your mom and dad soon.  Bye for now.

Buddy:  Bye and thank you for talking with me.  

Frances: You’re very welcome, Buddy.

For the Love of Animals,


Friday, August 16, 2024

Pillow Talks

Pillow is an 8-year-old female chihuahua mix rescue with whom I recently had the pleasure of speaking. She was a bit confused when I first tuned in. Here’s a portion of our conversation:

Frances:  Hi Pillow – how are you?

Pillow:  I’m ok, why? Am I in trouble?

Frances:  Honey, why would you think you were in trouble? 

Pillow:  I don’t know, but I’m afraid I’ll be taken someplace else like the previous people did. Am I staying?

Frances:  Pillow, you are staying. This is your forever home. Your mom loves you very much, so you have nothing to fear. You have a mom, a home, food and love forever.  How does that feel?

Pillow:  Oh, I am so happy to hear this. Are you sure?

Frances:  Yes, Pillow, I am sure. Can you tell me about your life before you came to live with mom?

Pillow:   First, I was with a family with little people, [kids] and they kept us outside. Little by little each of us left with other people. I was the last one and they kept me for a bit and then they had to leave so they took me to a place where other dogs were. It was ok as I was fed regularly, but not much else. It wasn’t too long before I went to live with Mom.

Frances: Thank you for sharing your life before you met Mom. Do you like your housemates Molly and Rusty?

Pillow:  Yes, they are ok. Are they staying too?

Frances: Yes, honey everyone is staying, just like you.

Pillow:  Oh, I’m so glad, I was afraid to get too close in case anyone had to leave. It hurt so much to get close and then never see them again.

Frances:  Since you have been with Mom, you had a brother who passed away. Do you miss him?

Pillow:  Actually, he still comes around and checks in to be sure we’re all getting along. He was kind of the ruleskeeper and oversaw us all.

Frances:  How do you feel about Mom’s boyfriend, Bob?

Pillow:  He’s ok as long as he keeps mom happy. I just want her to be happy. She takes such good care of us. Why does she have to leave us during the day and sometimes at night?

Frances:  That’s what people do – they go to places like work, shopping, the theatre – places dogs can’t go. She would bring you if she could – but with all of you, that would be a bit hard on her. Does that make sense?

Pillow:  Yeah, it does.

Frances:  Is there anything you want to tell your mom? 

Pillow:  Please tell her I love her very much and I am so happy to hear that I am staying. I kind of held back my feelings not knowing if I was going to stay or not, so now I’m all in. Thank you so much for choosing me and taking me home with you. I’m forever grateful. From your forever dog, Pillow. Oh, I like how that sounds!

For the Love of Animals,


Monday, July 15, 2024

Hellooo Dolly!

Dolly is an 11 year old Lhasa Apso mix. 
Her mom wanted to know if she was happy. 

Frances:  Hi Dolly – how are you?

Dolly:  I’m good, why?

Frances:  Your mom asked me to talk with you, is that ok?

Dolly:  Sure, anything for my mom – she’s the best. Why can’t she be with me all the time or me go with her all the time?

Frances:  Mom likes to go out of the house to work, shop, eat – stuff like that where dogs can’t go. Mom has to work to make sure you have food in your tummy and a roof over your head. Does that make sense?

Dolly:  Yeah, I suppose, but I can wish it so, right?

Frances:  Yes, you can wish and dream all you like. Do you wish to play more?

Dolly:  I would like to go for car rides and see other places. It gets kind of boring seeing the same walls all the time.

Frances:  Why don’t you like to be around other dogs?

Dolly:  I like people better, dogs are unpredictable.

Frances:  What do you like about your mom?

Dolly:  She is kind and sweet and gentle. She cares for my every need, and I love her very much. Please tell her thank you for choosing me to love and care for. I am the luckiest dog ever.

For the Love of Animals,


Saturday, June 15, 2024

New Kid in Town 🐱🐈‍⬛


I recently had a session for a client with two cats.  This is how it went. 

Frances:  Hi Sally – how are you?
Sally:  I’m ok, why?
Frances:  Your mom asked me if I would talk with you, is that ok?  
Sally:  Yeah, I guess so, what about?  
Frances:  Do you like your new family?  I understand you have been there for about a year.
Sally:  It’s ok, but why did that other cat have to come too?
Frances:  Missy needed a home just like you did.  She is now your sister, why can’t you be nice to her?
Sally:  Why should I be nice to her?  She’ll take all my food.  
Frances:  There will always be enough food for you and Missy.  Your mom will always ensure you are both taken care of with a roof over your head and food in your tummies.  Do you know that you are loved, and this is your forever home?  
Sally:  What do you mean by “forever home”?  I’ve never been in one home for very long at all.  I’d get in a fight and that was it, I was moved to another place, then another, then another.  I don’t trust anyone anymore and that’s a fact.
Frances:  I’m sorry you haven’t had the kind of life you deserve.  But you do know if you’ll allow your mom to love you like you deserve to be loved you have it now.  A forever home is where you will stay for the rest of your life.  You will have the same home with your mom and sister named Missy.  This is your forever family, and it is there for you to open your heart and love and be loved.  Does that make sense? 
Sally:  I think so but how can I believe you?
Frances:  Just give it time.  You don’t have to take my words only, just allow each day to unfold with the knowing that you are loved, you have plenty of food in your tummy, and a roof over your head for your safety.  Can you do that?  
Sally:  I suppose I can try.  
Frances:  Good for you, that’s taking a positive step forward.  One step at a time, right?
Sally:  Yeah, ok – I see what you’re doing here.  I know I’ve put up a good wall to protect myself, I’ve had to.  Nobody did anything for me just because they wanted to.  I always felt like a burden, and they let me know it.  I liked being outside because then I didn’t have to deal with the people and their problems.  They yelled and screamed all the time at each other, and I just got in the way.  I do have to say my life here is nothing like that and I really do appreciate all that I am given, really, I do.  I was afraid it would be a repeat of the past and I would be moving on to another place, so I didn’t want to get my hopes up and open my heart just to get broken again, so I stopped trying.  I see that it is different this time and now that you mention it, I do feel I can relax more and allow the love they have to offer to sink in.  Yeah, even with Missy, I think I can do that too.  Thank you for talking with me, I do appreciate your words very much.
Frances:  Thank you, Sally.

For the Love of Animals,

Friday, May 17, 2024

Who's the Boss?


Marvin is a 6-year-old Goldendoodle with a very strong sense of self-importance and awareness.

When asked if he would like a dog brother or sister to join his family, he replied,

Marvin:  Hmmm, like a playmate that lives here? 
Frances:  It could be a playmate. 

Marvin:  That would be ok if they knew I was the boss.  They have to listen to everything I say, and I eat first, and I play first, and all the toys are mine.

Frances:  Well, don’t you think that would be a bit unreasonable to ask?  Sharing your home and life with another dog is a privilege.  You make it sound like everything is me and mine.  When another dog joins your family, a family shares what they have.

Marvin:  Well, I don’t think I want one then.  I don’t like sharing my stuff.  Besides, then I won’t get all the attention.  

Frances:  Why do you put mom and dad’s socks on your favorite stuffed animals?

Marvin:  I like the scent of mom and dad around when they are not here.  I like to share them with my favorite stuffed friends. My stuffed friends don’t get the same kind of love I get from them.

So, he does think of others, just not in the way we might expect.

Marvin:  I want to go on more walks and adventures to see new places and people.  I like to see new people; they are friendly to me because I’m so cute and I like the attention.

Frances:  Well, you do have a healthy opinion of yourself, you’re definitely not a wallflower.


For the Love of Animals,

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Tough Love


Jerry is a 3-year-old male domestic short hair black cat who started attacking his housemates, other cats: Boo-boo, Sparkle and Jody. His mom wanted to know what was going on with him.

Frances: Hi Jerry – how are you?
Jerry: I’m ok, why? Who wants to know?
Frances: Your mom, Mary asked me to talk with you, is that ok?
Jerry: Yeah, I suppose so. [Sounds like a tough guy.]
Frances: Why are you beating up on your housemates?
Jerry: Like who?
Frances: Boo-boo, Sparkle and Jody.
Jerry: Aw, they’re just pussies – they can’t stand up for themselves. I’m trying to toughen them up.
Frances: Why do they have to be toughened up?
Jerry: To get along in the real world they have to be

Frances: Jerry, your real world is your home with your loving family – they do not have to be tough, nor do you. All you need is to love; love is what your world is all about.
Jerry: That’s not what I see on the TV – it’s rough out there.
Frances:  But Jerry, what you see on the TV is make believe, it’s not real. Your life is your home and your loved ones, not those on the TV.
Jerry: You mean they aren’t going to come in and get us from the box?
Frances: No honey – the images you see on that box is called a TV. They are just like the pictures on the walls that don’t move. They are not real and cannot jump off the wall or out of the TV. Does that make sense?
Jerry: Are you sure?
Frances: Yes, honey, I am sure. Actually, I am positive that your family is safe, and nobody is coming out through the TV.
Jerry: You sound pretty adamant about that, so I guess I’ll just wait and see for myself.
Frances: I promise it won’t happen, but in the meantime while you wait and see, please do not attack your housemates, they are perfect as they are. Just stay loving and kind to everyone in your home, including your housemates.
Jerry: Hmmm, I guess I could do that, but I’m not going to be a sissy if something does come through that box.
Frances: I understand you are not a sissy, but you can be strong and kind at the same time. You are perfect as you are, and mom would like you to be the kind and loving cat she knows you can be. Can you do that?
Jerry: Yeah, I suppose so. I was just trying to prepare everyone in case of a problem, you know?
Frances: Yes, I understand, but you now know that isn’t going to happen, right?
Jerry: Yeah, I get it. I guess I can calm down more, right?
Frances: Yes, you can relax and play with your housemates in a kind and loving way.
Jerry: That sounds pretty good. I think I’ll try that approach. Thank you for explaining this box to me.
Frances: You’re very welcome, Jerry.

My client told me it started when her roommate would play very aggressive video games and Jerry would sit and watch. Luckily the roommate is no longer living there so they can return to being a peaceful and loving home.

For the Love of Animals,