When bringing another pet into your home it is important to make sure your family is ready for the addition – and that means the pet who has been an only pet for all his life with you.
My client has a cat named Homer, he is approximately 16 years old and was rescued 10 years ago. He has been a single pet, although she tried to introduce other cats in the beginning, and he reacted badly.
Lately she has befriended a cat, whom she named Dusty, who appeared on her hillside, and she’s been feeding him. He is now limping badly and she’s keeping him in a bedroom, separate from Homer. He is being neutered and his leg treated.
Here is my conversation with Homer:
Frances: Hi Homer – how are you?
Homer: I’m ok, why?
Frances: Your mom asked if I would talk with you, is that ok?
Homer: Yeah, I suppose so. What about?
Frances: You know she loves you very much, right?
Homer: Yeah, so?
Frances: So, she would like to bring another cat to join your family. He is living outside, and it isn’t safe for him due to the coyotes – the big mean dog like animals. They eat cats and other animals as they don’t have a loving mom like you do.
Homer: So why are you telling me this?
Frances: She would like you to accept the new cat and be kind to him. There is plenty of food and love for both of you, you know that, right?
Homer: Yeah, I get that, but aren’t I enough?
Frances: Yes, of course you are – you are more than enough. But there is so much love for more and more kindness to share too. He needs a safe place to live, and your mom would like you to be kind and accepting to this new cat.
Homer: Oh, I suppose so as long as he doesn’t get into my stuff.
Frances: He’ll have his own stuff, but it would be nice of you to share some stuff.
Homer: Yeah, I suppose so.
Frances: Thank you, Homer. Would you like to tell your mom anything?
Homer: Please tell Mom I love her very much and sorry I’ve been making such a fuss over other animals coming inside. I guess I was being kind of selfish. I know what it’s like not having a loving family to care for you. Thank you for all you do for me, and I guess we’re expanding the family – at least by one more. I know I’m getting older and won’t be around forever so this might be a good fit to have another be there when it’s my time to go. Not planning on anytime soon, but you know, thinking ahead as I don’t know when I’ll have this chance to talk to you like this.
Frances: Thank you, Homer – I know Mom will appreciate your change of heart. Bye for now.
Homer: Bye and thank you for talking with me.
Frances: My pleasure, Homer.
For the Love of Animals,