Friday, September 13, 2024

Buddy Opens Up about His Past

Buddy is a 16-year-old male Westie (West Highland White Terrier) who was adopted in 2021. My clients wanted to know about his former owners and why he needed a new home.

Frances:  Hi Buddy – how are you? 

Buddy:  I’m ok, why?

Frances:  Your mom and dad asked if we could talk, is that ok?
Buddy: Sure, why not.

Frances: What was your life like before you came to live with Mom and Dad?
Buddy: Before I came here, I lived with an older couple.  They didn’t walk or play much with me, so we did a lot of sitting and watching the thing in the box.

Frances: Is the thing in the box with moving pictures?

Buddy: Yes

Frances: Ok, we call that a television, or TV for short.

Buddy:  Yeah that’s what it was.  They were very nice to me, but it was really loud sometimes.

Frances: I suspect they couldn’t hear very well so they had the volume up.  

Buddy: You’re probably right.  The man went away and didn’t come back and then I found the lady on the floor one morning.  It scared me, so now I follow my mom around to make sure she is ok.  

Frances:   I’m sorry that happened to you.  Unfortunately, as people get older, they sometimes get sick and pass away.  So, you don’t have to worry about your mom – she’s much younger and doing well.  Plus, your dad is there to take care of you too.

Buddy:  You sure?  

Frances: Well, I’m as sure as I can be, but I’ll check in with Mom and Dad when we talk in a little bit.
Buddy: Ok, thanks.

Frances: Do you want to spend more time with other dogs, or is it the caregivers at the doggy daycare that you like?  

Buddy: I guess I like people better.  I was never around other dogs much, except the place with the cages, before coming home with Mom and Dad.  

Frances:  Is there any place that you were taken by your previous mom and dad that you would like to go to?  

Buddy: They didn’t take me anywhere except the doctor and the groomer.  Towards the end, the groomer was less and less.  I guess I just know about watching TV.  I would like to be outdoors more and see beyond my own surroundings.

Frances: Is there anything you would like to tell your mom and dad?

Buddy: Please tell them that I love them very much and thank you for bringing me into your home.  I know I’m not your typical dog, but I’m happy just as I am.

Frances: I am glad you are happy Buddy.  I’ll be talking with your mom and dad soon.  Bye for now.

Buddy:  Bye and thank you for talking with me.  

Frances: You’re very welcome, Buddy.

For the Love of Animals,